PDX Magazine No. 8 Release Party Saturday, 5/17 at Ford Food + Drink
Dear Readers, Get your mitts on our finest issue yet this Saturday at our PDX Magazine No. 8 Release Party. It’s at Ford Food + Drink (2505 SE 11th Ave) from 7:30 to 10 p.m. We have two remarkable Portland writers who are also renowned performers in the lineup: frequent contributor to the mag Famous Author Mykle Hansen as well as poet Leah Noble Davidson, whom we covered in our very first issue of the magazine. Both will ply their literary talents before you. Wander by, meet the staff, hobnob with the many contributors to the mag, get those back issues you’ve missed, and most importantly, pick up a copy of No. 8. When I claim No. 8 is our finest work yet, I’m not being the slightest bit hyperbolic despite the seven stupendous issues that precede this one. Number 8 features a Portland cityscape painted by Chris Haberman (see the image above). At the magazine’s center spread is a removable art poster of this painting minus all the identifying marks we need to put on the cover version. Also, writer Mike Allen falls in with Portland moonshiners, Leo Daedalus survives the world’s most dangerous drinking game. Not that our…