Ross Blanchard

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Keyon Gaskin Performance at Place, March 30, 2014

At the closing event “You Can’t Ride the Bus for Free Forever” for Place (an installation gallery in Portland), Keyon Gaskin performs amidst the exhibit “Shit Balloons.” According to gallery owner Gabe Flores, the exhibit contributed to Place losing its lease at Pioneer Place Mall. The gallery closed March 30, 2014 after its lease was abruptly terminated.    

Fun Page Creations

Way Back in Issue #4 we asked our readers to have fun with a Fun Page. It was just a simple, black page with white, dotted lines and few instructions. Here, finally, are some results: 1. Fish Friend by The Indestructible Bubble “Hello! Im The Indestructible Bubble!  Im a superhero and I live at the top of a cliff over looking the Williamette River 🙂 I send you a creation of my fish friend about to enjoy a snack! Cheers! IB” 2. P1010010 by Anna Gorman “Hello Editor: I made this pillow in response to yourFun Page in Issue #4 (January 2014). I am an artist who works in various media. I like to sew to relax and break free of all the usual strictures of my other mediums. Thank you for even looking at this! Sincerely, Anna Gorman.” 3. Two-Way Make-Shift Fancy-Mask! and The Sturgeon by Zack and Emily Kosta

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My Kitchen Man

“No one else can touch my hams” and every other food-related sexual innuendo you can think of. Willo Sertain of Three For Silver (vox and accordion), James Delaney of The Jenny Finn Orchestra (bass), James Cook of Trashcan Joe (tenor guitar), Jason Reichert of Down Home Music (slide guitar), and others play Bessie Smith’s “My Kitchen Man” at Delaney’s residence on 2/25/2014. Video by Ross Blanchard Discover more about these musicians at their respective websites:  

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Egyptian Ella

“Egyptian Ella.” Belly Dancer Jenny Maena Breed joins Willo Sertain of Three For Silver (vox and accordion), James Delaney of The Jenny Finn Orchestra (bass), James Cook of Trashcan Joe (tenor guitar), Jason Reichert of Down Home Music (slide guitar), and others to perform Walter Doyle’s 1931 song at Delaney’s residence on 2/25/2014. Video by Ross Blanchard Discover more about these musicians at their respective websites: