All Jane No Dick: Female comics gather to make Portland laugh
The all-female comedy festival, All Jane No Dick, is well under way, having opened last night with a local showcase at Helium Comedy Club. JoAnn Schinderle, Amy Miller, Whitney Streed and a host of other comics who performed last night are Portland-based favorites, but the festival, organized by the nonprofit Curious Comedy Theater (5225 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.), highlights nationally and internationally recognized acts as well. The aim, according to the festival’s official statement, is to recognize diverse, quality comics in an industry in which women represent just one every five spots on high-profile comedy festival bills, one in five chairs in the writing room, and one in five television appearances. “Industry representatives explain this discrepancy by claiming quality women comedians are hard to find,” notes the festival organizers. “All Jane No Dick was created to help bridge the gap between women comedians, audiences, and industry decision-makers.” Though the festival is a push back against the rampant sexism in the industry, one male rights activist in particular sees the festival as just that—sexist. In an effort to bring attention to his cause, the man, who has since become known as the Lone Woof, posted fliers along Alberta Street that urged…